Many are organizing relief efforts in South Brooklyn to help those who are in need. More are willing and able to donate food, supplies and/or a few hours to help our neighbors in storm ravaged Red Hook and Gowanus.
Below are just some of the efforts. I will be adding to these fundraiser/ relief events. So keep on checking.
UPDATED LISTâ¡â¡â¡â¡â¡â¡â¡â¡â¡â¡â¡â¡â¡â¡

C is for Cookie KidsCarroll Gardens Cookie Kids for Hurricane Sandy Relief
A group of local 4th Grade pals put a clever idea into action recently by hosting old-fashioned Bake Sales to raise money for various charities. What started out as an afterschool club grew into a simple way to get involved and inspire others to make a direct difference. The Cookie Kids will be at Carroll Gardens Library tomorrow, Tuesday Nov. 6th, raising funds that will go directly and immediately to help local families affected by the storm's devastation.
Even if this is not your polling station, please come by for a treat or ca$h donation.
The gang included 4th grade pals Liam Walsh, Isabella Perillo and Giovanni Galvano. A bonus is that the older kids are motivating their younger siblings to get involved and the power of philanthropy by example.

Triomph Fitness, Health, & Wellness is coordinating goods and food deliveries to New Yorkers, in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Here is the information:
If you live in the Gowanus, Park Slope, or BoCoCa areas, we invite you to drop off the goods listed below for relief efforts:
Warm winter clothing, in good condition (hats, sweaters, hand warmers)
Work gloves, batteries, flashlights, lighting solutions
Non-perishable foods
Moist towelettes, cleaning/baby wipes (for bathing)
Cleaning products, sprays
Toiletry/personal hygiene items
Hand sanitizer
If you're not sure what is needed, simply ask yourself what your personal needs would be in this situation.
New York Cares has partnered us with volunteer drivers and trucking companies, who will then pick up and distribute all goods.
We will be accepting your donations at Triomph - 540 President Street Suite 1F, Brooklyn, NY 11215. Donations may be dropped off between the hours of 7a.m.- 8p.m. M-F, and 10a.m.- 4p.m. Sat & Sun. More details (and ways you can participate) can be found on our website's Brooklyn Bridged page.

- cans of beans
- bags of dried beans
- coffee beans (ground)
And also
- bags of rice
- canned fruits and vegetables
- blankets, coats, warm clothes
Bring your donations to The Cobble Hill Think Tank,
274 Court Street (across from the Cobble Hill Cinema)
All donations will be distributed to the Red Hook Initiative, www.rhicenter.org
Itâs not enough, but it's a start.
UPDATE: Cobble Hill Think Tank made its first delivery to the Rockaways yesterday. They will continue to collect during the next two weeks, so please donate.


Tammy of Orange You Glad In organizing a fundraiser for the Food Bank. She writes:
We are planning a fundraiser at OYG for the Food Bank. Actually, we were planning this prior to Sandy and now we are trying to double our efforts and goals. Basically we are having a one day draw-a-ton on Friday November 16th. In exchange for donations we are going to have a roster of nyc based artists creating drawings (that we'll then send out to the donators).
We are hoping to raise $4k (if not more).
Anyway, I wanted to reach out to you to see if you could post a little something about the fundraiser. We'll be taking donations up until the 16th. There is a bit more info on this site. Donations go directly to the food bank.
We are also looking to fill a few seats with local artists who might want to stop by for the day and donate their talents.
For all information, click here: http://draw.orangeyouglad.com
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