Friday, September 28, 2012

New Building Rising At Site Of Illegal Tear-Down On Smith Street, But Not Without Problems.

New Building Rising At Site Of Illegal Tear-Down On Smith Street, But Not Without Problems.

IMG_6191200 Smith sStreet in early 2010031IMG_6866
The site in Ovtober 2010 after the building was demolished illegally IMG_6868IMG_9356
September 2012. The site with new steel frame going upIMG_9358IMG_9360IMG_9357Many of you may remember the three-story, aluminum-clad house that once stood at number 200 Smith Street, at the corner of Baltic Street. It's ground floor retail space was home to a string of restaurants, the most recent being Jennie's Brooklyn Kitchen.

In 2009, architect Shiming Tam filed permits for a horizontal enlargement of the three-story building with NYC Department Of Buildings and scaffolding went up shortly afterwards.

But instead of adding to the third floor, the entire building was demolished overnight and the debris was carted away before anyone knew what had happened.

The DOB issued a complete stop work order for demolition without required permits in December 2010. The agency accepted a certificate of correction in May 2011.

New plans for a three story, two dwelling apartment house were by new architect Jon K Yung of MY-Architect in August, but they were disapproved.

However, just in the few weeks, construction at the site has started again. A steel frame has been errected and brick work has commenced on the first story.

Promptly, the DOB issued a partial stop work order for expired scaffolding on September 20th, 2012.

At this rate, it will be a while before a new building is completed.

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