CCG formed shortly after learning of the proposed shelter and has worked tirelessly over the last two months to reach out to elected officials, local businesses and neighbors to demand transparency and an open public pocess. They have also raised funds to hire attorney Steven Kirkpatrick as legal council, On the Coalition's behalf, Kirkpatrick filed Article 78 proceeding against the City.
On November 20, Kings County Supreme Justice David Schmidt issued a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) prohibiting the City and its contractors from âusing the Building in violation of applicable laws and requirements.â
On December 7th, Judge Carl Landisino continued the TRO and gave the group until January 25, 2012 to put in additional papers and for the respondents to reply.
In order to continue legal action, CCG is asking for donations from the community to cover costs.Below is a press release just issued by the group.
⢠The proposal to house 170 men is wildly out of proportion with the original intended use of the building, creating an illegal and unsafe situation for clients and neighbors alike.
⢠The landlord with a criminal record received a no-bid city contract for the shelter, generating over $520K a month. (Corruption Link)⢠Housing Solutions USAâs board members have numerous connections to shelter operators and landlords with a history of running substandard, dangerous, and crime-ridden facilities (eg the Alladin Homeless Shelter on West 45th St). (Corruption Link)⢠165 West 9th st, built by an architect now barred from practicing in NY State, has been empty since its construction over ten years ago due to code violations and no legal Certificate of Occupancy. (Corruption Link)WHO IS THE COALITION FOR CARROLL GARDENS (CCG)?
⢠CCG is a growing coalition of over 120 families, 700 residents and representatives from their buildings and coop boards and 100 businesses . WHAT IS CCG DOING TO BLOCK THE PROPOSED HOMELESS SHELTER?
⢠CCG has retained an attorney, Steven Kirkpatrick, from Belkin, Burden Wenig & Goldman, LLP to represent us in a lawsuit against the City of New York. WHERE DOES THE LAWSUIT CURRENTLY STAND?
⢠On December 7th, the Honorable Carl Landisino granted a continuation of the Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) that requires the respondants to comply with all applicable laws regarding the opening and operation of the proposed shelter until the next hearing date scheduled for January 25, 2013. The City is currently attempting to have the case dismissed so that they can move forward on the proposed 170 bed menâs shelter. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?
⢠The six-week adjournment without occupancy gives us an ample opportunity to scrutinize and refute the claims of the City. HOWEVER, CCG cannot continue to fund the attorney and our case without help from YOU! DONATE NOW TO STOP CORRUPT NO BID CONTRACTS THAT SIDELINE LOCAL COMMUNITY INPUT!
⢠All money is directed through the Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association and goes directly towards legal costs.
Weâve raised approximated $20,000 from households and businesses throughout the neighborhood. We need $30,000 more to be sure we can continue this case! DONATE BY PAYPAL:
Please send checks payable to:
CGNA (Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association)
Mail to:
RY Management
505 Court Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
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